Friday, February 19, 2010

Dallas Morning News endorses Sessions...but wait until you read WHY they did this!

The Dallas Morning News, surprising nobody, issued its endorsement in the race for U.S. House in District 32 to 14-year incumbent Rep. Pete Sessions.

But wait until you hear why they endorsed Sessions! You'd think he was a Democrat, they lather him up so well!

Despite reminding everyone that the Morning News reported on Sessions' relationship with Ponzi schemer Allen Stanford, the DMN then followed up by praising Sessions' votes for both the 2008 TARP bailout as well as the expansion of Medicare D under President Bush. Sadly, Bush vetoed the Medicare D legislation, which Sessions originally also voted against, only to "support it after he opposed it," voting to override Bush's veto. Ironically, in our interview with the DMN, Sessions steadfastly pointed out that he voted against Medicare D, failing to dredge up the part about the veto override vote. That's alright, Pete--the Editors have your back!

The DMN Editorial Board was quick to criticize me for my role in defeating the Local Option Taxing Authority during the 2009 Legislature, failing to mention that if that legislation had passed, we would all likely be paying between $300 and $1,000 more today as a result. And my efforts to defeat tax increases are a bad thing because...why??

The problem with the freeways is not the lanes, it is the entrance and exit ramp configurations. And solving this problem will not take hundreds of billions of dollars of toll roads, it takes reconstructing the ramps at a significnatly lower cost. Thus, the need to create and increase taxes in unnecessary. We must simply end diversions from gas taxes. The DMN simply doesn't understand this concept, having swallowed every word of TxDOT's toll strategy.

But back on topic, how funny is it that suddenly the Morning News is making the exact opposite argument for my opponent that I have been criticizing him for?

The DMN credits him with voting for the bailout and the Medicare D expansion. I have criticized these votes.

The DMN criticizes my efforts to fight raising taxes and my desire to abolish the Federal Department of Education as "shortsighted." And it praises my opponent's desire to continue to reach across the aisle--a practice known as "bipartisanship" which led to the bailout, No Child Left Behind, Medicare D and, through the government's policies involving Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the present financial crisis!

I instructed the Editors that I define the term "bipartisanship" as "Conservatives being asked to compromise on our principles." And if elected that I would work to instill a more partisan atmosphere in Washington. For, if we Conservatives desire to see a balanced budget, we must act differently than we have seen our elected officials act this decade--Republicans as well as Democrats! If we desire a smaller government, one which would truly allow lower taxes to be realized, then we must elect different people than we have this decade, because the Pete Sessions' of Washington put up a great talk, but their walk is sadly lacking.

And that is exactly what caused 2006!

So there you go, voters! Your contrast could not be more distinct. The Liberals already hate me, in the form of the Dallas Morning News Editorial Board! And now they find that, perhaps the semi-conservative, sometimes fun to meet with and talk to, empty-suit of a "go-along-to-get-along" incumbent isn't so bad after all! Wind him up and listen to him go blah, blah, blah!

Results. I will achieve them. U.S. Rep. Pete Sessions will talk about them. It could not be more distinct!

Thank you, DMN--I believe your endorsement of Rep. Sessions is far better than an endorsement of myself ever could have hoped to be!

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